My First Post

Hi Everyone! This is my very first post in blogger. I was surfing online & I thought of doing a blog. I've heard about these before but I did not feel like doing it because I'm working. And now I wanted to try doing this for fun or earn from it. :-)
Even though I can't do these full time since I'm working but at least I have something to do when I'm off from work. Sounds fun huh! I'll have to think what to do next for an update too. A little bit hard for me because I haven't had a column like this before and does take a lot of time for me to start this.
Hmm, I don't even know that to say now. hehe! It's hard to start but I hope I'll get use to it.
One more thing, I'm not very good in English but I'll try my very best to share about myself, my dreams and my inspirations. I hope everybody will have fun reading my journal in the next and future posts.

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