
Dr. Howard Murad is a board-certified dermatologist and a trained Pharmacist as well as a Clinical Professor of Dermatology at UCLA. He is considered one of America’s leading specialists in internal and external skincare. Dr. Murad has developed a line of skincare products that specifically treat various skin issues. His products are designed to treat such things as acne, dry skin, age spots, stretch marks, irritations, even aging. All of these issues are very treatable with his products whether your skin is young or sensitive. He always makes sure to provide the best formulas for maximum results.

And right now you can receive a 15 % discount off Murad products, plus a
FREE Full Size Cleanser with a $ 44 value. This is a limited time offer (free delivery within Australia). This free cleanser is a vitalizing blend of artemia which is a ‘natural fuel’ that delivers energy to the skin for a healthier and more vibrant complexion.

I missed the Opps

Whew!!! Triple P was giving opps earlier today but I missed it(grrr :D). I took shower and was folding our clothes upstairs when there was opps, then when I checked on it, was already gone. I was hoping they will give again some opps, but then that was it I think for today.
My friends called me and wanted to hang out for a little bit so I decided to go meet them. We talked & shopped for few things then one of them wants to have salad so we went to Olive Garden. We took so long because we we're talking forever. he-he
When I got here I tried to check if triple P has opps but none, got nothing obviously. That's fine though I just hope tomorrow if I open triple P, they're going to give opps at the same time.

Time to go to bed now so Good Night Guys!!!

Our trip to the Beach

Just some updates for today. We just got back from the beach and again I’m so tired. Driving for 6 hours altogether back and forth is a pained. We had to stop a lot of times, use the bathrooms, buy some food to munch on, stopped to get a frappuccino to drinks because it was a roasting day, 90º today. We went to Oregon Cape Lookout State Park, stopped at Rockaway Beach for a little bit then drove to Canon Beach.
When we got to Canon Beach, we walked quiet a bit at the beach and did sunbathing for a while. I just loved the sunshine, the heat and the wind hits on my skin while lying down, it felt so good. It was so relaxing and did put me to sleep. I didn’t realize how warm the sunshine was because of the wind and the temperature felt so good for me compared to where I was from but my hubby said it feels very warm for him already. In the Philippines, when you sunbathing it actually burnt your skin really bad except if you’re on the shade, it helps a little bit but still warm.
But anyway, after that we walked again for a little by the water then we decided to drive to Seaside Beach but when we got to their town we figured that we didn’t have enough time to spent in there, we still have to drive 2 hours from there so we passed it and just drive towards Astoria then took Longview Washington to go back home. We left at home around 11 or 12 noon and got here passed 9 o’clock in the evening. Pretty long day but we enjoyed it. At least my husband and I had time together, it’s been a while we didn’t do driving and have fun.

Good night & Happy weekend Everyone

I feel exhausted right now. I woke up around 5 in the morning today, I cooked for my honey bunch's breakfast and made coffee while he's on shower. When he left to work, I watched the news and doing some stuff with my lappy. I wanted to get back to sleep but I can't so I stayed up whole day and now I feel so tired.

Tomorrow, we don't have to get up early because my husband is off but we're planning to go to beach for a change. Suppose to be very warm tomorrow so maybe we will spend the day over there.
Gosh! Days goes fast and I can't believe it's gonna be weekend tomorrow. It's like yesterday was Monday but not really, tomorrow is Saturday and I'm glad, I don't need to get up early and we'll relax for a little bit.
Well, I wanted to greet;

GOOD NIGHT and Have wonderful weekend everyone!

Auto Body Repair

Did you know that if you have been in an accident you have the right to choose any collision repair center that you want? You don’t have to go to the repair center that the insurance company suggests. To help retain your car’s value and safety, you should seek out collision repair experts.

The professionals at Auto Body Gainesville are just such experts. They will restore your car to pre-accident condition. There are a lot of collision repair center around but choose the experts that will satisfy you and that is Auto Body Gainesville.

The World Class Professions

I got this tag from Aimee. Thanks Sis!

1. Copy and paste everything to a new post and Add your name next to your profession (or profession-to-be for undergrads) in the list. Make sure your name is linked to your blog/webbie.Tip: For easier capture of links, paste into your blog using the “Visual” (for WP) and Compose (for Blogger) modes (not Edit HMTL or HTML).

2. If your profession is not in the list then simply add it to the correct alphabetical place. For example, if you want to add PLUMBER then it should be placed in between ONCOLOGIST and QUEEN.
3. Tag as many people as you can and witness how your technorati will explode!4. Don’t forget to link back. In your case, link back HERE.


Accountant - Inaj,

Blogger - Chikai, Tere, Francine, Cherie, Chez , Kurdapya , Vicy, Jenny, Ivy, Lira,

Customer Service - Aimee

Doctor -Nurse - Mckhoii,

Nursing Assistant - Journey and Journal,

Stay-at-Home-Mom - Tere, Mai, Alpha, Yen, Kurdapya,

Teacher -University Employee - Suzanne,

Housewife - Francine, Cherie, Chez , Kurdapya , Life is a Gift, Jenny , Ivy, Mamalira, Jam

What about you Retche, Jhona, Mrs. Tee, Mrs. Lewman, Sharz, and Naomi?

Skirt & Hot Spa Party

I went to my friend’s house 2 days ago. We had a skirt & hot spa party at there house. Me and my two other friends slept over there and that's the reason why I didn't get home until last night. We had so much fun. We ate and we played games and of course the hostess has prizes for those who will win the games. We had a game that we’re going to show to the hostess the things she’s asking, things that we have it in our purse, we had a game which we divided into to two groups and the game is we will move the ice cubes from the bowl to the other bowl using toothpicks and of course because it’s a skirt party & hot spa party, we had a contest of who among us has the most cute skirt, everybody votes for who but you can’t vote for yourself and I won it…yehey! That was a lot of fun. I pick my own prize and I got a nice one.

After playing, we drink a little and start the hot spa. Their Jacuzzi is pretty good size which ten of us could fit in it and we spent two and half hours in the hot spa.. I’m sharing some pictures from that party.

I signed up for PPP!

Before I have no idea about earning money from blog, I totally ignore it but then when I stopped working I finally think of doing a blog just for fun. One of my friends told me about Payperpost. But they said that I should have a blog that is atleast a month old and then I could register at PPP and wait for the approval.

Then, I signed up PPP and been waiting until they will approve me. Tonight when I got home I checked my email and they finally approve me, it’s been a month of waiting. I’m very much happy that I’m finally approved and anxious to grab some opps. Payperpost will help so much especially now that I’m not working and I’ll probably go back to school soon.I always been visiting ppp even the time that I was not approve yet and read about it and study a little bit. Their training video helps me very much.It is very nice to be a member with ppp, it will be a very big help for me. Payperpost is absolutely a good opportunity. I’m ready to grab the opportunities from there.

Guys, if you have a blog and want to start making money from it. Sign up at Payperpost, it is totally a good opportunity for you.

VS Products

I went to the mall with my friends shopping for a little bit at VS. I love VS products, especially their underwear & beauty products. I bought underwear’s and bras when I went there. My friends bought new bras and underwear as well. I like the comfy thin panties for summer time, the extra low rise bikini, thongs and the push up bras. I love their sexy little things products also.

My husband and I went there he bought me the underwear and the set I like, it smells so good. I just love Victoria Secret so much. When I was still in the Philippines I had Victoria secret products, my Aunt gave me underwear, perfume & lotion when she get back from abroad and my husband brought also when he went there visiting, him & his daughter bought it for me. The bras and underwear I had when I was still in the PI are So-en, Avon, Triumph, Wonder bra, & Playtex. Now, I'm here I got what I want, everything is here in the US.

Travel to 7 Continents

I was tagged by Lira. Thanks Lir...

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Rules :

1. Start Copy from "Begin Copy" until "End Copy".
2. Put your blog's name and url write in which continent you live, add the country you live in. Example :
My Imaginary Travels (Netherlands)
3. Leave your url post
in here and I'll add you to the Master List.
4. Please help spread this tag by tagging your friends as much as you can.
5. Don't play unfair! If you have more than 1 blog, you can participate all your blogs for this tag. BUT you will have to post this tag to all your blogs as well. So, please. Don't cheat!
6. Please come back again to copy the update of the master list, often. This process will help new participants to get the same gains as the first participants.
7. Don't forget to use the banner at your post, you can save as or you can just copy the code
in here.

Master List :

A. Asia :
1. Moms... Check Nyo (Philippines) 2. Aeirin's Collections (Philippines) 3. Jenny and Belle(Philippines) 4. Hailey's Beats and Bits (Philippines) 5. Appleofmyeyes(Saudi Arabia) 6. Deranged Insanity (Philippines) 7. your turn

B. Australia : 1.

C. Afrika : 1. your turn

D. North Amerika :
1. Simple Life, Simply Me (USA) 2. Pinaymama's Diary (USA) 3. 3 Garnets & 2 Sapphires (United States) 4.Traipsey Turvey (USA) 5. Dabawenyako (USA) 6. Icelog (USA) 7. Journey And Journal [USA]8. Life is A Gift [USA]9. Tasteful Voyage (USA) 10. A Mom's Note (USA) 11. Filipino love stories (USA) 12. Life: Thoughts & Inspirations (USA) 13. Your turn

E. South Amerika : 1. your turnF. Europe : 1.
My Imaginary Travels (Netherlands) 2. Juliana's Site (Netherlands) 3. Picturing of Life (Netherlands) 4. your turn

G. Antarctica : 1. your turn

~ End Copy ~

Again, I'm tagging everybody on my list...

Typhoon Frank (Fengshen) kills 155 in Philippines

I heard the news yesterday about the tragedy happened in the Philippines. I was panic because all of my families are in the Philippines. My brother is in Cavite and the other one is in Rizal. Until now, I haven’t heard from them. I called my sister yesterday to ask about my brother and to let them know also that I sent money for my mom’s birthday but she said she didn’t hear anything from them yet. They’re in Mindanao and sometimes the signal is bad. I just want to be sure if they’re fine. Today is my Mom’s birthday and suppose to have a little celebration. I’m happy for her but I’m sad also because I’m worried about my brothers. The place where they live is bad, it is flooding there. Hopefully they’re fine.

I’m sad also about the news about the typhoon in the Philippines.

Philippines were hit by typhoon named Frank or Fengshen (God of wind in Chinese) last Saturday. The typhoon made a direct hit in Manila after crossing the central & southern part of the Philippines. Wind gusting up to 150 miles per hour causing floods, landslides, blowing & ripping off roof from houses and knocking out powers. Fengshen is heading towards Taiwan and South of China but left a lot of destruction in the Philippines especially in Manila area, Iloilo Province, Maguindanao, Cotabato, Albay and Romblon.

Those are the places affected from the devastating storm Fengshen. Right now, 155 people has been reported dead and hundreds are still missing. In Maguindanao, atleast 14 people drowned from the flashed floods and 10 of them swept away and 5 people are still missing. Also in Iloilo, 10 fishermen are still missing.

MV Princess of the Stars capsized off Sibuyan Island in Romblon last Saturday at 6 P.M. It was reported that their engine is failed around that noon. The ferry has 626 passenger and 121 crew members.

The National Disaster Coordinating Council and the Coast Guard has dispatched two ships, BRP Pampanga and Davao del Norte, to rescue the rest of other passengers which are still in the ship. However, the families who are waiting are still hoping to see their love ones alive. The rescue operations are still going on hoping that they’re still a lot of survivors despite of the weather. So far, they have found survivor already but most of them are still missing. Some of the passengers are found dead also and right now still in Romblon.

“One of the survivors said that the time when the ferry is started sinking, they we’re ready to jump off the ocean with lifejacket’s on but other passenger we’re still in doubt to jump. He said that it is possible that other passengers are still inside the ferry but probably dead.”
Hopefully all of the rest that are still missing are still alive...

MV Princess of the Stars is owned by Sulpicio lines. They are now being blamed by the families of the victims. And the schedule of their other ferries is being suspended. They have to undergo an inspection and investigation because of what happen.

Let Us Pray For The Survivors & all Rescuers!!!

Please, leave your comments & prayers for our kababayan....

Our little Angelique

My stepson and his wife are here visiting. Actually they got here yesterday with their daughter. They usually visit us once in 3 months but lately they visited us like once a month. Their baby girl is such a cutie but she’s pretty handy. She’s 1 year and 3 months and she start walking when she was 9 months old.

And now, she’s running around, climbing the stairs, opening the oven, open every drawer she saw, doors and everything she can pick. She also started talking some simple words like mama, papa and hi. She’s so funny and such a very good baby. I have few videos of her I took this morning. She was seating at the racking chair, my husband has it when he was a kid. That racking chair is about 51 years old now. It is amazing that he still kept it until now.


Do you have a blog? If you do, then do you know that you can make money from your own blog? Do you want to know how to make money from it? Well, this is about smorty. If who don’t know yet, I'll share brief information of what I knew about it. It is where you can make money or earn from your blog. It is a program in which you can register your own blog, you will then receive a welcome message from them and confirmation that your account is active. Yes, as easy as that. And it will just take two days and then they will send you again an email confirming you after they reviewed your blog, it’s either an approval or they declined it.

Your blog must be 30 days old have at least 10 posts that are made by you only. Once you’ll get approve, you will have an opportunity to get task and write the things you like or write your own opinion about a product or services. If you guys have blog and wanted to do more to make money, smorty is the answer. It is the largest network program in the world which will make it easy for you to earn money from your blog, so register right now.

My friend told me about smorty so I tried to check it out then read about it. I tried to register like 2 days ago. When I check my emails today I got a message of approval from them. I’m so happy I got approved. Hopefully I’ll have offers or task to do soon. Yeheey! I’m very happy.

Blog Advertising - Get Paid to Blog

Graduation Party

It’s 10 minutes before 11 in the evening; I just got home from our friend son’s graduation party. Didn’t realize how late it was when I checked my cell phone wondering if my
husband called me yet or what. We’
ve been chatting, chatting like forever & then singing with the karaoke. That’s one of the most fun parts in the party. After eating, we talked about some funny stories and anything that make us laugh until we ended up talking about nasty stuff. He-he!

They have a lot of Filipino and American food and most of all a lot of wines and beers to drink. But I didn’t drink anything aside from water because I still have my allergies and I still don’t feel good because of it. Well anyway, we got there like 5 P.M. then left like past 10 in the evening, it was fun and I’m enjoying in the party despite of the fact that I don't feel very good.
We haven’t had that much time for pictures because everybody’s busy eating and talked. But I have some to share with but just a picture of our group where we seat. We were at their patio and some of their visitors are on the other tables outside and others are inside.

My Sinigang Recipe

I just want to share my Sinigang na Baboy (Pork in Sour Broth). I like having a lot of vegetables when I cook sinigang, the reason why it looks crowded in the picture. I don't like to use the broth of the pork when I boiled it at the first time. For me it looks clean and not as much fat when I do that.

My Ingredients:

1 lb. Pork Riblet or Ribs
1 big Onion (diced)
1 Eggplant (cut or sliced)
5 pieces Okra
2 Taros (peeled and sliced)
½ lb. string beans (cut into 3")
2 Bokchoy (petchay) or 1/4 lb. kangkong
1 or half pack of tamarind Flavored Soup Mix
½ bell pepper (red)
½ bell pepper (yellow)
3 pcs. Green finger pepper
2 pc tomatoes
Salt & fish sauce


1. Boil pork riblets or ribs for about 20 minutes. After 20 minutes of boiling, pour the water then replace new water.
2. Simmer it for 20 minutes or until the pork is tender.
3. Add tamarind and mix well. Add taro, eggplant, string beans, onion, and bell peppers (red & yellow). Let it simmer for 10 to 15 minutes.
4. After that, add tomatoes and finger pepper.
5. Add salt & fish sauce to taste.
6. Add the bokchoy or kangkong.
7. Let it seat for 2 to 5 minutes then serve hot.

Condolence to My Friend & Their Family

I’ve been very busy yesterday and today. Yesterday after going to my friend’s house, I went to church with my friend Alice. We’re going to attend a rosary and last viewing of our friend’s mother in law. Her mother in law passed away a week ago and her funeral was earlier today. Her mother in law died at the age of 85. She is a very nice person, has 13 kids, 30 grand children and 49 great-grandchildren. It was a very nice big family. We were there yesterday and also today. We’re amazed because of the people that were there at the church for the rosary and for the funeral earlier, a lot of people were there.

It was nice to sympathize or show our kind feelings to the family who are left behind even they’re not our relatives. I always felt bad when somebody died and it also reminds me when my grandpa died and my nephew. It was sad for me and missed them a lot. I don’t even know when I’m going to see them again. I just love the sweet moments I shared with them.
But anyway, today we attended the mass and after that we went to the cemetery. It was nice because we all have the balloons and after that everybody let them go at the same time, the balloons was so pretty flying out high with the beautiful blue skies & trees.

We went to a reception afterwards and they had program. At that room, they have a big board with full of her pictures with her family & relatives. Some of them spoke and talk about her when she was still alive and they have their messages for their mom, grandma, sister or their great grandma. It was sad but was nice to hear also about the memories she left to her family when she was still alive. It was very nice to hear good stories about somebody.

Blog Readability Test

Jhona tagged me this. Thanks to you sis.

blog readability test

Here are the rules:

1. Check out your Blog Readability Test
here then post it.
2. (OPTIONAL) Stop asking yourself regarding the results of the test (LOL!)
3. Add your blog from the list together with the results.
4. Tag as many friends you like.

Big Eyed Gal - High School 2. The Chronic Shopper - Elementary 3. Vital Sighs - Genius 4. Princess Vien - High School 5. Em’s Detour -Junior High School 6. 100%Kelly - Junior High School 7. My Wonderful Life 8. JAM- College (Undergrad) 9. YOUR BLOG HERE

Tagging everyone on my list.

Good Morning Everyone!

I woke up 5 oclock this morning, very early isn't it? My husband is going to work by 6 o'clock so I woke up this early. Well, its been a long time since I cook for him for breakfast so I decided to get up and cook while he's on shower. He always told me not or I don't have to get up to make breakfast for him. But I'm guilty so while he's on shower I made coffee and cook. I made scramble eggs with ham & cheese and I cooked Apple Chicken Sausage. While cooking I cut oranges and pour juice for his drinks. When he came down, he's surprise. He told me he was wondering where I went because I was not in our bed, he just thought I went to the other bathroom. I told him I'm a little guilty so I made breakfast. he-he
He thanks me for doing that and wanted me to go back to bed when he's gone and I told him I will but I'm already stuck here with my lappy. he-he-he! But I feel like I'm still sleepy so I think I should go back to sleep for a little bit.

Well, I wanted to great: GOOD MORNING EVERYONE!

Flame of Friendship

I got this tag from Sharz. Thank you Sharz, I hope our friendship will last forever and never let it burn. he-he

The Flame of Friendship.

A symbol of spirit of unity.

The burning icon of love.

Undying picture of hope.

The hot symbol of oneness.

The Flame of Friendship.

And now it's your turn to flame yourself!

Meet new friends. Discover friendship. Make bonds.

Copy this post starting from the PICTURE ABOVE to the endand add your blog on the list below.

Let's start FLAMING!


The People Who Accepted The Flame of Friendship


YOUR BLOG(now, you follow!)

OOOPSS!! Don't forget to invite your friends!


Tagging Everyone on my list...


1.Determine your birthday month and get a word that rhymes with it or you can affix to it. Caps lock your birth month (e.g. MAYday, JUNE dune, APRILicious, JULYvely, AUGUST pocus, parched MARCH). Be unique.

2.Your birth month plus the word affixed or rhymed shall become the tag’s title in your case.

3.Get your birthday and add the digits involved. Example, if your birthday falls on the 25th of July, add 2 and 5 you get 7.

4.Whatever is the sum, write a list of the gifts you wish to receive, the number of which shall correspond to the sum of your birthday. For example, applying the case above (in rule number 3), you will write seven (7) things you wish to receive.

5.After your wish list, put your name and birthday in the Bloggers’ Birthday Directory, with a link to your blog/s. Note: when you add your birthday, please place it in a way that the dates appear chronological (January, February… 1, 2, 3)

6.Pass this tag meme by tagging as many people as you want.

Bloggers' Birthday Directory:

February 18 - Nancy February 20 - Caryl February 23 - Jammy March 7 - Mari March 28 - Jaja Nicotine April 13 - Tere April 29 - ENDAY May 3 - Vannie May 8 - Joan Joyce May 27 - Zang Caesar July 16 - Chesca August 27 - Francine La Place de Cherie Cherie September 1 - Lynn September 2 - Chikai September 20-JAM September 30 - Mckhoii December 18 - Joshua Ong YS December 19 - Alpha October 2 - Hailey

Well, well, well, because of Enday I have to do this job. He-he! Enday’s demanding right now so I better be good and I hope she will. I’m enjoying reading her birthday directory. About mine, I don’t think I can make it very enjoyable; I’m not smart enough to do it. He-he! Anyway, I will try to make it clear for sure.

1.My Birth date is September 20. Rhyme for my birthday would be SeptemBEER??? Is that right? I hope it sounds right because that rhyme fits on me or let say I drink beer occasionally but sometimes I over drink. (Lashingga ba 'yon?)

2.Ok, so my tag title would be SeptemBEER! Yeheey, I got it Enday. But again I hope I am right.

3.Oh well, this is very hard for me because speaking of Math, I’m very smart in reverse (kabaliktaran ika nga sa tagalog, wahaha) but again and again I’ll try, 2+0 is 2??? Beep me if I’m right. (Ahahay, nakakaloka tlaga).

4. Hardship never ends(lol). I was happy thinking that I can put a lot in my wish list and it would be take the whole page but I can't & I don’t want to violate the rules or else Enday will call me I'm Tanga ( as in stupid, dumb, foolish or lukarit for better) lol… I'll be right next to you Enday. You said, you did it twice this week. I think I did it just once this week. Just kidding! Ha-ha, give me high five!!! –FISH TAU ENDAY-:-)

Here is my wish list:

a.Good health for me, my husband, and for my family back in Phils. ( seryoso na ‘to he-he)
b.Money, a lot of money!!!
(Marami pa sana akong wish, kaya lng di na fwde) ;-)

I think I’m done or I should say: That ALLS! :-D

5.I’m tagging EVERYBODY on my list…

Mwuah to all!!!


I was so sick yesterday until this morning. Then just this afternoon I felt better so I tried to surf online. I found and registered at bloggerwave. I was lucky enough because when I open my email I got bloggerwave approved me at 4:19 P.M. Yehey! I'm so happy! I can't believe that I will be approve right away. Thank you bloggerwave!

Guys if you're hosting your own blog, this is a great opportunity. You can earn extra money by registering your blog on bloggerwave. This is the best way to go. Just go to Once you get approved, the advertiser's there will give you an opportunity to write about their products or services. It is very easy, you just share your thoughts or opinions and you'll get paid from it. Now do it and start earning...

Milner's AirCar and Electric Car

Last weekend, my husband and I went to Pearson Air Park to see these invention of James Milner. He is showing his AirCar and Electric Car to the public, it was free. We we’re amazed when we saw his invention, it was very nice and very unique. I was glad we made it because the show was supposed to be just from 10 AM to 2 PM only. We got there like 15 minutes to 2 and they were still there.

James Milner is a commercial pilot but he is retired. He was working with United Airlines from 1969 to 1984. He thought of re-inventing the air car.

Milner Motors is based in Vancouver, Washington and Bethesda, Maryland. It was founded in 2005. James Milner is the lead of Milner Motors. He has two successful businesses which he ran from 1972 to 1997 and that was the Aviation Seminar and the second was LaserGrade Computer Testing which was founded and ran from 1995 to 2004.

The AirCar that he invented is a pretty unique, has four-door and four-seat and has storage at the back. It goes to 200 MPH in the air. It will just cost 90 cents to operate it for 2 hours and less than then tenth of the cost of the gas and no carbon footprint. The wings can fold so can be drive in the public roads. Milner said that this aircar will take off 2 years from now and will cost up to half million dollars.

The Electric Car is also 4 doors, 4 seats and has 4 wheels. This is a plug-in hybrid electric car and has a gasoline engine in it. It can be operate for 2 hours of using the batteries. This is energy efficient, environmentally friendly and affordable. This electric car also is very stylish and the estimated cost is $40,000.

If you want to know more information about the Milner Motors, just visit their

Got tag from a Friend

I got this tag from Kiscy. Thanks a lot Kisc! (cute name)

The rules are posted at the beginning. At the end of the post, the player tags 6 people and posts their names, then goes to their blog and leave a comment, letting them know they’ve been tagged and asking them to read your blog. Let the person who tagged you know when you’ve posted your answer.

1. What was I doing 10 years ago?
I can’t remember but I was a 2nd yr. High School that time

2. What are 5 things on my to-do list today?
- Made my breakfast/lunch (Brunch)
- Do some laundry
- A little bit of Cleaning
- Watch my favorite shows on TV
- Sleep hehe

3. Snacks I enjoy:
- A fruit to munch on is what I love

4. Places I’ve lived:
- Philippines

5. Things I’d do if I were a billionaire
- I want to have our own business, invest, build a house, give money to the church and give money to my family back in Phils to have a business there too.

6. People I want to know more about:
- like Bill Gates… he-he-he

I want to pass this tag to
Naomi, Lira, Enday, Jhona, sweet_angel, & Joy.

Got nothing to do

Today, I got nothing to do but just stay at home. After talking to my family back in the Philippines ‘til 3 in the morning and ended up going to bed not until 5 in the morning, because my friends are online and we talked for 2 hours on the phone and online. My allergy is also the reason why I didn’t feel like going to sleep. And again, I got allergy attack when I woke up. I tried to ignore it since I need to eat first and do the some household chores. After that, I watched TV and my allergy get worst and worst so I took some of my over the counter medicine and used my prescription spray but still didn’t work.

My friend called me and said she wanted to meet her in our office. He-he (she meant at Starbucks at the Mall, seat there drinking coffee & talk then a little bit of shopping, lol) I didn’t feel good at all today so I told her I won’t be able to meet her. I decided to take a nap. After 3 hours of sleeping, our doorbell woke up me. I didn’t know she’s going to visit me. She wanted to visit for a little bit and she wanted to tell me that the company where her husband works is hiring so I gave her my resume. I’m excited because I wanted to work soon. Staying at home is not fun at all, just makes me feel lazy and got no money coming. That’s it for now, I need to do one more tag and then sleep.

Good Night Guys!

Moment of Truth

Got a tag from Naomi. Thank you girl!
1. Sojourn 2. Pinay Mom in Czech Republic 3. See Me for what You Will 4. LAINY’S MUSINGS 5. OUR JOURNEY TO FOREVER 6. My Paperless Writings 7. As The World Turns 8. My Daily Discourse 9. From This Side 10. Our Family Adventure! 11. Shopaholic Ties the Knot 12. FunFierceFabulous 13. My Precious 14. Filipino love stories 15. A mom's note 16. Tasteful voyage 17. Sweetpinay. 18. Life: Thoughts & Inspirations

Are you deeply in love with your spouse or boyfriend/girlfriend? If you do, let’s try how well you remember the moment of your life with him. But before you put yourself in the hot seat please read the rules of this tag first.

1. This tag should be pass on to your friends.
2. Visit the blog of the person you’ve got this tag.
3. Leave a comment on her/his tag post. Be sure to thank her/him for this tag.
4. Highlight and link all the list of people who accepted this tag by visiting their blog site.
5. There are 10 questions that you need to answer but you will be the one to write the 10th question for the next person you want to pass this tag. Here are the questions. Be honest with your answers.Lets Start:

1. How did you meet your husband/wife or boyfriend/girlfriend?
I met him online (CB)
2. Where did you go on your first date?
3. When was your first intimate kiss?
Hmm, I can’t remember was 3 yrs ago.
4. How many girlfriends/boyfriends he/she had in the past? Do you honestly know?
Don’t know
5. What is his/her ethnicity?White (American)6. What is his/her favorite food?
American and Filipino Food
7. What is he/she like if he/she is mad?
He’s mouthy & grumpy except when I bark he’ll get quiet. He-he
8. What are the things he/she did you thought is the most romantic thing he’d/she’d ever done?When he give me flowers or just being together do something fun
9. Describe how he/you proposed to you.
He proposed to my parents first he-he
10. When did you know he was the ONE?
That was until we met in person and knew each other better

I'm allowing everybody on my list to copy and paste this.

Father's Day!!!

It's 3 o'clock in the morning but my eyes and my mind still awake. I called my family back in the Philippines; I just got off the phone. I miss them so bad. I talked to my mom, sister, brother, nephews, grandpa and grandma. All of them said they miss me a lot and they keep asking me when I'm coming home to visit them. I told them I can't because I don't have enough money to fly and if I will come to visit I want my husband to go with me. When I talked to my grandma and my grandpa, they were crying on the phone, they miss me a lot same thing of what I felt right now, it makes me cry. I wish I live very close to them. I greeted my grandpa even if it's kinda late, I told him Happy Father’s Day! He was happy but he's crying while talking to me so I tease him to send me some oil or sweeper that way I can just use it to fly. He he he!!!

After I talked to them, I finally talk to my beloved father. I greeted him Happy Father’s day! And he goes, is it father’s day today? Ha-ha, he didn’t even know about it. He said thank you & asked how I am? It’s been awhile I didn’t talk you on the phone, I miss you a lot and when you’re coming home? Ha-ha, the same questions but it was sweet to hear from them. I told him I’m going to send them some stuff then he cracked me up because he complained me about the pants I sent to him. He said if I will send him pants again he doesn’t want me to send the button kind pants because he almost pee his pants every time he wear them. He said it’s a pain, hard for him to open it quick. Ha-ha-ha

Get the Most Efficient Car to Save Money

Around the Globe, gas hike is too high. Here in Washington State the average price is $4.15 per gallon as of today, the 15th of June. It is very hard for everybody especially that the prices are going up while the minimum wage stays the same. That’s awful! We budget our money in every now and then because the gas might come up to $5 or more per gallon. If we’re out of juice or eggs we don’t make a trip just for that because it will cost $5 or more than that just for the trip going to the store and back.

I think it would be good if we got the hybrid car because we’ll save our gas and most of all our money. Well, we got our Honda Civic about 9 months ago. My husband wanted to get the hybrid because it is one of the most efficient cars in the US but for some reason he changed his mind when we get to the car dealer. Hubby checked the mileage and said there is no big difference and the civic has the fewer price than the hybrid. We should just get the hybrid instead but we also save some with what we have right now, compare to our old SUV.

Aside from Honda Civic Hybrid, Toyota Prius Hybrid is also very efficient. According to the United States Environmental Protection Agency, Prius 2008 is most efficient car that is sold in the United States. This first went on sale in Japan back in 1997.The Prius is the first-mass produced hybrid vehicle.
However, the Honda Civic hybrid engine won the International Engine of the Year from 2002 through 2004 and Best Fuel Economy as well for 2003 and 2004.

Hybrid cars are the best and most of all very efficient especially the gas prices now are getting expensive per gallon. Choose wisely to save gas and of course your money.

The picture above is the civic we have.

Interesting Tag

I got this tag from Jona, Thank you so much for this.

Have you ever gone on a blind date?

>> Yep! When I was still in the Philippines…

Skipped school?
>> Hmmm, yes! Especially when I was H.S.

Been on a plane?
>> Yes

Been lost?
>> I can’t remember

Swam in the ocean?
>> Oh yeah!!! I was raise in front of the beach back in the Philippines, water is 25 meters away from our house.

Cried yourself to sleep?
>> Yes… sometimes

Played cops and robbers?
>> Never

Played dolls?
>> Yes, when I was a kid.

Recently colored with crayons?
>> last year… ;-)

Sang Karaoke?
>> A big YES…

Paid for a meal with coins only?
>> I can’t remember

Done something you said you wouldn't?
>> Yes!

Cheated on a test?
>> In High School I think… he he he

Made prank phone calls?
>> Yes!

Laughed until some kind of beverage came out of your nose?
>> Sometimes before but was long time ago, I think.

Caught a snowflake on your tongue?
>> I don’t know

Danced in the rain?
>> Yes, when we’re in the disco with my friends in the Philippines, the Dancing Hall doesn’t have enough roofs so we kept on dancing even if it was raining, but we’re drunk. Lol

Written a letter to Santa Claus?
>> Nope… don’t believe it

Watched the sunrise with someone you care about?
>> I can’t remember

Been kissed under the mistletoe?
>> No

Gone ice skating?
>> No

Been skinny dipping outdoors?
>> No

Favorite drink Im allowed on a regular basis-
>> Any

>> No, but I would like to have one

Body piercings?
>> Ears but want to add them

Vacation spot?
>> Anywhere

Eaten cookies for dinner?
>> Sometimes when I don’t feel like cooking

Ever been on TV? >>

Ever been in a car accident?
>> no but almost

Favorite number and why ?
>> 18, it is the date of my wedding.

I would like to tag everybody on my list.

Replacement of my Missing Earring

After a miserable days of my missing earring, my hubby decided to buy a new pair of earrings for me. Yehey! That was nice of him but he told me not to let them disappear or let that smart thief, steal them again. Hmm, I didn’t know that will happen anyway.

We were shopping for a little bit and we found a nice & absolutely bigger than the earring I've said in my previous post and almost the same price but I found out that was not a real 14K because my ear turns to red and was very itchy while wearing it in just a minute or so. (Gosh, I don’t know what happen to me, been unlucky lately). I already knew how to check jewelries when I was still in the Philippines but I didn’t check it before we’ll get it. When I looked, it has 925 marks which means it is silver coated with a 14k gold. They didn’t tell us about it which they should of. It just says 14k and the price and that was the reason why I wanted to buy it right away because I thought it was a better deal and I thought i'm lucky to have a twice bigger than what I had in almost the same price but I was wrong. I didn’t bother to check on it while I usually do that when I'm buying jewelries and so I decided to take it back and look for a different Jewelry Store.

My husband bought two pair to replace the new pair I lost. Yehey! Still misses the one I lost though even I have new one. But anyway, we got it at Zales. Zales is a nice jewelry store. They have a lot of nice jewelries that you can choose from and most are diamonds. I want to buy all of their jewelries but I can't afford. lol. By the way, I found the earrings that I wanted and are simple, affordable and not a coated one. It’s not that I’m picky but I rather buy a real one than buying those coated and will turn my ear like I was bitten by a bee. hehehe

Adobo la JAM

Today, I thought me and my friends are going for a walk unfortunately we didn't. I got nothing to do so I decided to cook my favorite Filipino food. I made Sinigang and Adobo with my own version or let say Adobo la JAM. LoL… Well, I would love to share my adobo first, like how I made my own version. When I make my own adobo, I choose pork riblets and sirloin instead of meat with fats.

Few days after I got here in the US, I missed the Filipino food already. I was craving so bad so I made an adobo like what I used to eat in the Philippines but my husband doesn’t like with the fat in it, he hates it a lot. But I love the adobo when it has a little fat in the meat like in the Philippines but since he doesn’t like fat or whatever gristles he tasted he will stop eating right away so I thought of making my own version with no fats in it.

I tried different ways, and didn't quiet get how to make it yummy. I almost did giving up cooking it because everytime I made adobo he doesn't like it because of those reason but this is my favorite so I decided to buy just all meat and some riblets in it. I like the meat in a bone and for me it taste better. And again he doesn't like a meat in a bone. whew!!! So I told him I'll eat the meat in a bone (riblets) (oops not the bone though just the meat, lol) and he will eat the meat (boneless). He loves this version, finally. :-)

Here is the procedure of how I made my own version of Adobo.

My Ingredients:

½ lb. riblet

1 lb pork (boneless)



Bell pepper (yellow or red)

Vegetable Oil

Bay leaves

¾ cup soy sauce

½ cup vinegar

2 to 3 T white sugar

1/2 cup water

My Procedure:

At first, chop the riblets and meat and then boil it together until it gets a little bit tender. Make it in a medium heat at least 20 to 30 minutes or so, depends on your meat or riblets. While waiting, chop onion, garlic and red or yellow bell pepper. I used bell pepper with my adobo (hay kakaloka anoh???). Then throw the water away from the boiled meat.

Heat oil on the other pan then put the chopped onion and garlic and when it turns slightly brown, put the meat and riblet. Then put the soy sauce, vinegar and water and mix them well. Let it seat for 15 to 20 minutes in a medium heat but don’t cover your pan. Then, put the bay leaves and sugar and mix it again. Add a little bit of water when you need or if it gets a little bit dry. Depends if you want a little bit of sauce.

Let it seat again for another 10 minutes with a low heat then put the red and yellow pepper and mix it. Your Adobo is done.

But one more thing, sometimes right after my adobo is done, I put broccoli on the top of it then cover it for few minutes but don’t mix it with the adobo. The steam of the adobo will cook the broccoli and taste really good.
And also if it is too salty for you you can add more sugar, depends on your own taste. My husband likes when it is a little salty and I like when I can taste the sugar a little bit.

This is my own version of Adobo. Not to be conceited, my husband, his family and my friends loved it.

I got done cooking today at 12:30 noon time and made it at the right time. My husband got home at the time I was done. It was ready for lunch. Having a steam rice with the adobo is really good. I hope you guys will try this and hopefully you will love it too. I'll share my sinigang recipe later but I have my picture of adobo and sinigang here.