I was born and raised in the Philippines. We lived in the province and our house is just a few feet’s away from the seawater. It’s very pretty and quiet place. The only thing that made me miss about my place is the seafood. Fish, squids, crabs and shrimp are my favorite seafood’s. Out of those four, I love the fried shrimp the most. I like to eat it and dip it with cocktail sauce. But I like when I fried it. A very simple way to cook the shrimp is just to put butter in the pan then when it gets hot, put the minced garlic and chopped onions then if the garlic and onions turns to a little brown in color, next is the shrimp. Put a little bit of soy sauce then wait for 10 minutes then it’s done. My husband loves when I cooked that kind domestic seafood dish (shrimp) because it’s very yummy.
How about you guys? Is there any particular seafood you love the most? Do you want to share your recipe? Well, if you do this is your chance to join the Cook off competition. The Louisiana Seafood Promotion & Marketing Board (LSPMB) and NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Association) present the Fifth Annual Great American Seafood Cook off Aug 2-3 at the New Orleans Morial Convention Center within the Louisiana Foodservice EXPO and the Gulf Coast Seafood Pavilion. One of America’s most prestigious culinary competitions, one chef and one state will walk away with the title of King of American Seafood. If you have an amazing recipe that you wanted to represent, you should join this event for a chance to win and be the King of American Seafood. Check it out at americanseafoodcookoff.com for more details.
Yes, it is my friday today because I'm not gonna be working tomorrow. We're going to have an inventory so no work for tomorrow except to the group leader and supervisors in any department. I'm glad I'll have 3 days off because I have a lot of things to do tomorrow and the weekend. I also need to make hopping and updates to my other page. I can't believe it's already Thursday, it seem's like yesterday was Monday. Day goes fast and I totally forget the dates, it's the last day of the month also. Oh well, it's my friday today so I need to relax now, I don't have to worry for tomorrow because I am not working. Thanks God!!!
We’ve been using Vistaprint for my husband’s business cards, flyers or brochures, address labels, postcards and even invitations we needed in any occasions. We love this company because they’re not just the best on printing but also incredible price as is very affordable and very convenient. They’re making high quality graphic design and custom printing that made everybody satisfied their services. The nice thing about Vistaprint also is even if you want to order a full color printing in a small quantity; they won’t charge you for premium price. Isn’t it awesome? Next month is my stepson’s wedding and we told them to check out Vistaprint since we had been using their services for a lot of times and we’re satisfied of them. My stepson and his girlfriend checked Vistaprint for their wedding invitation cards and then they have chosen this awesome and unique design of invitation cards that they’re going to send it to their relatives and friends. They’re very happy of what they paid and the turn out of design and the printing results are very nice.
It is very easy how to buy custom printing from Vistaprint because they have thousands of designs to choose from. You can see first the looks of the one you have chosen and change it if you don’t like then order when you’re done. How convenient huh?
So, use Vistaprint for your business or for any occasions and take advantage their offers. You can get up to 50% of your orders like, if you order business card, brochures, labels or any custom invitations like Birthday Party invitations.
I started my new job yesterday and it went pretty good. I started today at six in the morning and that would be my regular schedule from now on. It's kinda hard for me to start it because I was not working for a while but I'm happy of my new job now. I like my new job even though I just started it yesterday. I worked seven hours yesterday and then ten hours today because our leader asked us if we could stay because we had a task we needed to finish it today that's why we ended up working overtime for two hours and we did worked over time and I liked it. Well guys, it's almost 8:30 in the evening now so I better go to bed I have to get up at 4 A.M.
First of all, I would like to say thanks to everybody for visiting my blog and I'm sorry if I was not able to visit your blog today because I was busy. I woke up early today for my husband then when he left I was doing my resume so I could apply some job. When I was done doing my resume and my cover letter, I went back to sleep because I was really sleepy. About 11 o'clock in the morning I woke up then get ready to apply but my stupid printer didn't work so I had to go to my friends house and printed my stuff. One of my friends helped me to find the location of Volt since I didn't know where. I had to go to their house then she went with me to Volt. Volt is a temporary agency where you can apply for jobs for different company. But anyway, we went there then I had to fill out their applications and short test. I was surprise they hired me right away after all the applications and interview. I will start my new job tomorrow, 7:30 in the morning. Hopefully, I will like my new job. I'm not sure what will I do tomorrow since I don't start it yet but the company I will be working with is Tensolite. I applied as Production Specialist. Wish me luck guys! I better sleep now since I need to get up early. I'll give some updates tomorrow...
Here I go again, just finished my breakfast and I'm back to the computer. My hubby cooked Apple chicken sausage and scrambled eggs with the spicy sauce in it and he sliced strawberries and put whip cream on the top. It was a good breakfast for me, different from what I'm used to cooking for him. Yesterday, he cooked fried eggs and pancakes and had blueberries for our fruit. I'm glad he cooks because I really hate cooking on the weekend but he has no choice but to cook or else he's going to be hungry. Hmmm! Anyways, I think I better get going because I still have to run to the store to buy a birthday gift for a party I'm going to today.
Toronto is a city that holds wonders in one friendly place: a theatre scene rivaled only by London and New York, more than 80 cultures from across the globe; and attractions that range from high art to rowdy family fun!
In the heart of Toronto's Entertainment District is a new hotel offering a rendezvous with seduction- Le Germain Toronto. A jewel of modern architecture, Le Germain boasts a two-level lobby of sleek lines, harmonious proportions and an open air concept with warm, inviting colours. The effect is simply quite simply dazzling! Space, freedom, and light blend in a triumphant welcome.
Luxury, refinement and sophistication, combined intelligently, offer you the ultimate red carpet treatment. This is paradise rediscovered, a veritable symbiosis of exaltation and cocooning. Glass, metal, wood, ceramics—the decor is understated yet cozy, inviting the senses to a unique experience. Think only of yourself, feel at home and be pampered. The end of the day brings the crowning touch—plunge into a sea of soft down pillows and feathered comforters for a night of well-deserved relaxation. You can find all these fantastic accommodations only in Toronto Downtown hotel. Check it out now and make your reservation at GermainToronto.com
Getting up early is hardest thing for me to do especially in the weekend. But sometimes I have to since I need to do something very important like today we're supposedly be in the church for Sunday Mass but I think I can't make it because I'm going to my friends house for her son's birthday. I didn't get any gift for him yet so I need to go to the mall and buy toys or maybe clothes for him. I think I still have time to fix for myself before shopping and go for the birthday since the party won't start until 2 P.M. and still 9 in the morning here. Well, right now I got a chance to do some blogging here while my husband is making breakfast and I'm waiting for him to call me when it's ready. he-he
Joseph Baniak is a retired Military major and a devoted Officer of United State Airforce. He served tours of active duty in the Persian Gulf, Afghanistan and Iraq and retired from the military with the rank of Major. He devoted 14 years of honorable service as an Officer in the United States Air force. He performed a wide range of duties including project management, procurement, mission coordinate and small group leadership. Major Joseph Baniak is a nationally recognized public speaker and delivered many keynote speeches while on active duty. He holds a top-secret security clearance.
Oh man! If you were there and you saw it personally, you'll be amazed how big it was. And imagine only one person caught it! That fish weighs 90 kilos and you can really tell how heavy it was because 4 people were helping to put it into the multi-cab. My uncle said that it was very hard for him to put it into his boat because he’s alone and it was heavy, so what he did he tied and towed it. It took him longer to reach the beach because it was very heavy and his boat was not that big. It was hard for him trying to run the pump boat easily so he won’t lose it.
Do you watch the series The Bachelor? I like to watch this show. Do you remember Matt Grant & Shayne Lamas? I like them as the final couple in the 12 Edition of this series. But I just read the news about them says:
Former Bachelor Matt Grant and the recipient of his most important rose, actress Shayne Lamas, have broken off their engagement after publicly pretending that they were meant to be for two whole months, People reports.
"We tried hard to make it work but we realized that we were both heading in different directions," the duo said in a statement. "We truly care about each other and will remain close friends."
I am shock of this news. I like them both because I thought they are perfect much but maybe not. Click here for more info.
I had so much fun watching Viddiction videos. The humor videos are funny especially the video Here, Taste this. It reminds me of my husband. I had a video of him eating bitter melon (ampalaya). Bitter melon is one of my favorite vegetables in the Philippines. One day, I was cooking bitter melon with eggs. I tried to convince my husband to eat. He asked me about the taste; I told him it’s yummy so he tried. I can’t describe his face when he eats it because of the bitter taste. I was laughing at him. He said he will never eat them again.
Well, I would love to upload and share that video in Viddiction. Viddiction is new user-oriented & socially-inclined website. It is a social network video upload site with a twist. They are unique and very different from the other website around.
And here’s the exciting part about Viddiction. You register for free, you can upload videos as much as you can, share and promote it to all and earn cash for videos you upload. Do you want to know why? It’s because they have a regular monthly competition where you can earn money from your videos and their prize range from $50 to $500. Isn’t it exciting?
You just simply register to Viddiction for free and upload your videos. If your video is the most popular, you will get the reward. In short, you will be chosen base on your popularity points. They will send your earning money through Paypal. So what are you waiting for? Click Viddiction and start uploading your videos now.
Finally, I'm done with my tasks today. Even though, I didn't get up until 10:30 AM because I woke up early & went back to bed around 6 AM after my hubby left to work. I was still able to make the 3 opps I had today from PPP. There was a lot but I can't get it all. I got the small A of opps but it was fine as long as I'm not empty today. he-he! I had fun writing and reading, unfortunately was not able to blog hop and vote today because of my busy life. I did some chores at home too while doing some things in the computer. So far, I did well today I'm done with my laundry, cleaning, took all the garbage downstairs and cooked for my honeybunch.
Not too long ago, we were amaze about computer because it can do almost everything and it helps us a lot, conveniently specially banking. But can you believe that there is a new technology that lets you deposit checks electronically with a scanner and an ordinary PC? Isn’t it unbelievable? But yes, it is true. Hardly anyone knows this technology exists. DepositNow made it possible for you.
DepositNow is a wholly owned division of BankServ, the makers of a new technology that lets you makes bank deposit online. You can do this using an ordinary computer. Just pass a check or money order through a scanner, and transmit it to the bank electronically, without even leaving your home or office. See how convenient it is?
You don't need to go to the bank to make a deposit and you don't need to change banks or open a new account because this technology can be used with any bank account in the U.S. This would be particularly appealing to online businesses and eBay PowerSellers, although any business that handles checks can use it.
A lot of people are turned off because check scanners often cost several hundred dollars, and can't read anything except checks. But now that’s not a problem anymore because depositnow.com has developed this amazing scanner that also works as a regular scanner and the good news is they’re offering for half the price ($225). You can also sign up for their online deposit service online deposit service with promo code or visit depositnow.com for additional information.
I felt hungry doing this tag. he-he Thanks to Denz.
Let’s learn what blogger’s favorite meal (Breakfast) is. Simple straightforward meme and great for link love. Have a good Breaky!
UK Holidays is a very special day where everyone loves to celebrate and enjoy. There are a lot of nice places in UK but the place I would love to go first is the Isle of Wight. Beauty of behold or Isle of Wight is a perfect place where can spend the whole time and you’ll enjoy during holidays. It is situated south coast of England. While enjoying your holiday you should stay in a very comfortable place. UK Family Hotel or St. Maur Isle of Wight is the best hotel to stay. They offers a high standard accommodation and provides the comfortable surrounding, friendly atmosphere and very good food during your stay. One of the most important in holiday is you enjoy the special day and get the best accommodation in return during your stay and St. Maur Hotel Isle of Wight provides everything for you. Check out stmaur.co.uk for more information.
I cooked yakisoba yesterday for my lunch. I was not expecting to make a lot but I did so I called my friend. I asked her if she could come over and to have some yakisoba I cooked. I didn't mean to make it that much so I had to share my blessings. I think she likes it because she eat the whole thing I put in her bowl and she added more. he-he... Well, that was nice of her because she come over for my food or else I might just throw it away to the trash because that was too much. Actually we still have some left in our container. Here's the yakisoba I made.
My stepson is having problems with his eyes. He can’t see very well without wearing his eyeglasses or contact lenses. But he hates wearing eyeglasses because it’s a very big hassle for him. He wears contact lenses but he said sometimes he’s not comfortable with it because he’s eyes get irritated and sometimes pain. Wearing contact lenses is more convenient than wearing glasses but there are a lot of disadvantages with it too.
The disadvantages when wearing disposable contact lenses are you wear it in the day then you have to pop them out at night and throw it in the trash and that’s a lot of work and hassle. Alternatively, there are certain kinds of contact lenses that you can slept in over night or even a week but still you have to buy over and over again. The good news is we found the LASIK information website and that is very helpful to us and to my step son. He’s happy because we told him we will help him to have surgery on his eyes. That might not happen right away but we will help him as soon as we can.
By the way, Lasik is the most popular elective vision procedure in the world, It is a type of refractive laser eye surgery performed by ophthalmologists for correcting myopia(nearsightedness), hyperopia (farsighted eye), and astigmatism. The nice thing about Lasik is that it is fast and a nearly painless surgery and patients can expect 20/20 vision or better. Over 95% of LASIK patients worldwide are satisfied with their results. Severe or serious complications are rare. For more LASIK information, go to thelasikfacts.com.
My husband works hard everyday and every time he came home from work he’s worn out. He woke up around 4 o’clock in the morning everyday, and while he’s on shower I’m make him coffee and breakfast. But after he left to work I get back to bed, that’s why I felt bad about him because I can sleep anytime I want while he's working hard and he got home tired and stressed. :(
Stress is not good for you because it can cause heart disease, gastrointestinal disorders, memory loss and decreased immune function. Stress can also sap joy from your life, cause seemingly inexplicable fatigue, and leave you less able to enjoy your relationships and leisure activities. So, yesterday I offered him a massage. Massage is actually very good because it is one of the best antidotes for stress, it does help you to relax and reduce your pain.
Anyway, my husband sleep around 6:30 P.M. after I gave him a massage and he woke up earlier very relaxed. Hopefully today he is not exhausted as yesterday.
Do you want to loss your weight? Are you looking for lap band physician to help you? That's not a problem, you can start your journey right now with Journeylite.com. JourneyLite.com offers a comprehensive weight-loss surgery program that will guide you through every step of your journey – from evaluating whether the LAP-BAND System is right for you, to finding an experienced surgeon, to insurance approval, and extensive follow-up and aftercare that is specifically tailored with your success in mind. The LAP-BAND System is the only adjustable and completely reversible weight-loss surgery in the United States. The bariatric surgeons affiliated with JourneyLite have helped many others just like you lose their excess weight, resolve their obesity-related diseases and associated conditions, and begin to live healthier, more productive lives. So, what are you waiting for? Start your journey now with Journeylite.com.
To: Retche & Retchel
Wishing you guys all the best in the year to come.
May your days be filled with sunshine and beautiful colors.
And may your nights be filled with comforting dreams and wishes to come.
God bless to both of you!!!
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2. This letter should be pass on to your closest friends online.
3. Add your name and URL blog HERE!! .
1. Wheng
2. Hazel
3. Janeth Vicy's Life Journey
4. Denz Recreational
5. Cecile's life is good and beautiful
6. Anneberly's Beyond the Rave Reality
7. Rock's God's Best Gift
8. Shimumsy
9. Swittooth
10. Texas Babe
11. Dette's Muthahood Crib
12. Mommyallehs
13. Pinaymama's Masipagwapa
14. Pinaymama's Honeybabybee
15. Mummy Sheng
16. Pinay Smiles
17. Zoya
18. Ester's Embracing Health
19. Rhedge
20. Hanging Around With MJ
21. Life: Thoughts & Inspirations
22. You're next
4. Get back to Me [Jam] and leave a comment once you’ve passed on the letter. Will then visit your site to make sure your links are complete and proper.
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It's true I have never seen you
and we have never met,
Never shaken Hands or
even truly hugged and yet!
I know for sure you care for
me by the kindness that you give.
And our keyboards keep us
together doesn't matter where we live.
So I give you this gift to
put a smile on your face
and to let you know in my
heart you have a special place.
After a little bit of misunderstanding with my friend, I didn't know she sent me a comment in my friendster. I'm touched when I saw it. She's always like that. She's sweet to all of our friends. Here's her graphic comment.
And then she put, Totoo yan...from my heart... She's so sweet, isn't she?
After having a fever last night and bad headache earlier, I felt better so far after I take advil. In fact, I already took shower because I was warm earlier. So I just hope that was it except that I have a little cough. I hate having a fever because I don't feel like eating and if I don't eat, it's not good at all. I'm glad I felt better and I was able to do some of the tasks I reserved last night and today.
Few days ago, when I was browsing online I found this interesting website that is giving me sample to try. This website is triscents.com and they sell Renuzit TriScents freshener.
Renuzit TriScents Air freshener is the newest lines of electric scented oil air fresheners gently renew your home with 3 harmonious scents in one convenient product. Available in two distinct fragrances, Seaside Breezes and Morning Meadow, each contains three scented oils that continuously transition throughout the day to create a longer-lasting, always enjoyable renewed scent.
Renuzit TriScents air freshener is the perfect complement to any room, enabling everyone to transform the mood of their home for an affordable price. From relaxing ocean waves to rolling fresh meadows, choose between two distinct fragrance themes the Seaside Breezes and the Morning Meadows. Their air freshener is very refreshing throughout our house. I put it in our bedroom and its smell so good through our living room. I don’t even have to plug it in the whole time because the smell stays for a long time.
These Renuzit TriScents air fresheners last up to 60 days, so you don’t have to worry about disappearing scents. You guys will love it. You should go to triscents.com and print coupon for the Renuzit TriScents Starter Kit.
Appearing flushed and glowing is a turn-on, but wearing blush and bronzer together sometimes look overdone especially if you applied it incorrectly. So, here are the simple steps I learned on how to wear blush and bronzer.
1. Sweep bronzer where the sun would hit your face and then glide it across the top of your forehead, over your cheekbones, and on the tip of your nose.
2. Blush should mimic where you would naturally flush after a run. Find your apples- they’re the spots directly underneath your eyes and two fingers away from your nose. Then swirl your blush on the apples, smiling to accentuate the spots for a rosy pop of color.
We’ve been hunting for bedroom furniture for awhile but we haven’t found any affordable yet. We gave our old bedroom set to charity and so we’re looking for a new set to put it to our other bedroom. We finally found thebedroomspace.com that has a fantastic selection of quality bedroom furniture. They have Amish furniture and memory foam mattresses.
Thebedroomspace.com is the leader in providing quality bedroom furniture for the home at the best prices anywhere. Their staff, with over 20 years of experience in the furniture industry, has selected the finest products for their online showroom. Their company provides top products from a broad range of manufacturers including Henkel Harris, Klaussner, Pulaski, Kathy Ireland by Standard, Modloft and many others. At The Bedroom Space, they pride themselves in providing the highest standard of customer service to ensure that their customers receive not only a great product, but the most enjoyable buying experience around.
The good news about this company is they offer 0% financing, furniture protection plan and free shipping. There is no sales tax on orders shipped outside of Florida and online ordering is safe and secure. Check out their discount bedroom furniture, Borkholder Amish Handmade, Hampton 5-Piece Poster Bedroom set for 40% off. Visit their website for some great sales at thebedroomspace.com.
When I was a kid, my grandma used to curl my hair using the stem of the cassava. (I still remember it he-he) We don't have a hi-tech curler iron back then but I like it so much because it wasvery effective when it’s done, but it took so long before I can take the stem off because it won’t work if I will take it off right away. It would be nice if she has a curler iron so that she could just plug it in and it won’t take that too long for my hair to get curl.
But I found out also that you can curl your hair even if you don't have curler or curler iron. You can use the handle or barrel of your round brush and your blower.
Here are some tips to have a curly hair using the handle or barrel of your round brush.
-For Big Curls-
Roll damp hair at the crown around the barrel of your brush so that the bristles hold it in place (like a curler). Blow dry then release it.
-Soft Spirals-
Coil small sections of the hair by your face around the brush handle. Hold, then hit with hot air, and undo for loose, sexy ringlets.
When a guy felt something special to a girl and say like this to her, “Can you find this star, right here? Sure. So why am I looking for this star? Because I had it named for you. See?” do you think this Hollywood most memorable line from my favorite movie A Walk to Remember, will work in real life?
Why not go to www.VO5VictoryHair.com and play the Extreme Style by VO5 Ultimate Flirting Championship, to check on it?
Got this tag from Nanay Belen. Thank you Nanay Belen!Rule: Copy the entire list and add your name at the bottom. And tag at least 5 friends. (But you can tag as many as you like). Note: Please link the blog where you posted the tag.
That stylish eyeglasses in the picture is my favorite eyeglasses of ZenniOptical.com. ZenniOptical.com sells Stylish Prescription Glasses Online from $8. You will find huge selection of frames, with single vision lens, sun sensor (photochromic) lens, tinted sunglasses lens, bifocal lens and progressive lens. Using the latest modern materials, manufacturing and marketing systems they bring their product direct from
their factories to you. No middlemen, no retail overhead, and virtually no advertising budget. They do not pay for or sell expensive, or even inexpensive, brand names, but only their own manufactured brand, that’s the secret of Zenni Optical.
Just go home a little bit ago from my friends house. She invited me to have lunch today. Since I haven't been able to hang out with them for over two weeks now so I decided to go. I felt bad we had a little confrontation the other night because I haven't call them and didn't call me too for 2 weeks. I was not mad at all or anything. I just thought they were busy or they're on vacation. Last Saturday I called one of my friends and asked how is she. She said she's fine and she told me to meet her at the mall. I went there and she's acting like she's upset with me so that night we talked online. We had a little drama over it because she's upset and I kinda upset too. They just thought I don't want them to be my friends anymore and there's no reason for that. So today when she called me to have lunch I was very excited but I don't have my car because our other car is in the repair shop so my hubby drive my car. She's so sweet because she decided to pick me up and bring me back home and she's the one who cooked for our lunch. I am happy and really blessed to have a friends like them.
Alzheimer is a kind of terminal or degenerative disease for which there is no known cure but have ways to prevent it. Alzheimer is a common type of dementia. Dementia is a non-specific syndrome in which the areas of cognition may be memory, language and attention. Alzheimer usually afflicts individuals over 65 years old and also young individual. The durations of this disease varies per individual and each of them experiences the symptoms in unique ways. In early stage, the most common symptoms are memory loss, like having difficulties remembering of facts that currently learned. The earliest symptoms of this disease are often to be mistaken as being non-critical forms of stress. Advance symptoms of this disease includes language break down, suffer of her/his senses, anger, mood swings, confusions and long term memory loss.
There are some ways how to manage these diseases to prevent or fight against this. Balanced diet, mental stimulation and exercises are the ways to fight against Alzheimer. Exercising like walking is one of the best ways to move closer to end Alzheimer’s. So guys, I am welcoming you to join Alzheimer's Memory Walk 2008.
The Alzheimer’s Association Memory Walk is the nation’s largest event to raise awareness and funds for Alzheimer care, support and research. It calls on volunteers of all ages to become champions in the fight against Alzheimer’s. A typical Memory Walk is 2-3 miles walk held on a weekend morning in the fall in more than 600 communities.
By teaming up with the Alzheimer’s Association, you can walk with a purpose and move us closer to a world without Alzheimer’s. Together we can move a nation! Sign up to be a team captain today. Search by State or by chapter and join now.
If you want to buy Memory Walk gear, alz.org/memorywalk/ has online store for caps, mugs, croc charms for shoes (not only for adults but it is also great for your kids) and a lot more.
Last week, my cousin asked me if I already know how to do a screen shots, I told her I don't. So that time I thought that was interesting because I don't know how to do screen shot yet. I am very curious of doing something like that over the computer especially if I don't know how to do it. I didn't learn it from school maybe because I was absent when our teacher taught us how or else my mind was totally absent. he-he
Anyway, I tried to do copy pasting and didn't work. I tried to search how and found out that it's very simple or easy to do. And here, I decided to post it & showing how it turns out. I'm happy because I think I did it right, hmm! ;-)
Are you looking for massage bed? Well, here’s the good news for you. Takemi Jade Vista 5000 Massage Bed is what you’re looking for. This Takemi Jade Vista 5000 Massage Bed has almost everything that will give you comfort, relax and will pamper you. It has the Soothing Relief Comes at Light Speed, the light speed is the special wavelength of light called the Far Infrared, that can reach the major organs and deep muscle tissue more effectively (LightSpeed) and safer than any other form of heat and light.
It has built in MP3 Player Headphone seat so you can play your favorite music while you’re relaxing the speed of light. This amazing bed will helps you relieve back problems and chronic posture bye reducing muscles spasms and correct your vertebrae alignment. This incredible and amazing Takemi Jade Vista 5000 Massage Bed is available online at netwise4deals.com, the only company that offers you with this high quality massage bed in a very affordable price. So, check out netwise4deals.com for your Takemi Jade Vista 5000 massage bed and for more information.
My blog is worth $33,307.86.
How much is your blog worth?