In 1984, Pope John Paul II initiated World Youth Day. World Youth Day is the largest event where a lot of young people all over the world celebrate together. This event is organized by Catholic Church brings together for growth in faith and fellowship and will make a pilgrimage in faith, meet, and experience the love of God.

During my teenager time, I always joined Youth Day Celebration or what they called Youth Camp, which is similar to the World Youth day and where a lot of youth from different town came and joined the celebration in our Parish. Its fun to be part of the celebration especially that we can make a lot of friends and been enjoying the few days together. We praise, bible sharing at night and/or Mass as well. We had a lot of fun doing our activities and everybody are happy the whole time.

But anyway, World Youth Day is celebrated on a diocesan level annually and at a week-long international level every two to three years at different locations. The international level events attract hundreds of thousands of youth from almost every country on the planet. It is a major part of the upsurge in Catholic Youth Work in some countries over recent years.

This year Australia was chosen as the site of the 2008 World Youth Day celebrations. Pope Benedict XVI decided and announced this publicly during the conclusion ceremonies of the 2005 World Youth Day celebrations in Cologne, Germany.

The theme of World Youth Day 2008 is "You will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you; and you will be my witnesses".(Acts 1:8)

World Youth Day 2008 is held in Randwick, Sydney on July 15-20. Activities will be within Randwick Racecourse which has been given to the Roman Catholic Church to use for the event.

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